Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I got my .40 cal cocked and I don't know how to use it
I don't even know if know how not to lose it.
All I know is you're in my sights and you won't move will you?
I know everyone dies but I don't wanna kill you
I've left shattered dreams from here on down to the border
and leaving one more ain't too tall of an order
if I cry when I kill you it ain't because I true loved you
but rather because I put my own dreams above you
And when you fall to the ground then my dream's lost its prop
then all my hopes engines will come to dead stop
so I'll plead with you to stay there I'd with all my might will you
not so that you won't die but I don't wanna kill you.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A piece of my heart

I will carry you always
in a piece of my heart
which no doubt has grown smaller
the more we've been apart
but the pull is still there
an echo of love.

Haiku #1

I like haikus that
don't make any sense at all.
Stop looking at me.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The ones I cannot know...

She walks solely on the souls of men
who want her solely for her soul
She sees their sullen eyes which seek
her solely subtle soulish ways.
and when the man's souls strength is spent
its then upon his soul she preys.
he'll walk until his soles wear thin
till his weary soul no more can stand to win
the solace of her acidic soul.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


A poem to honor the 90 years of Harriett Lou Whitesides, my grandmother.
By Will Rearick

A motherly love
a saintly repose
eyes fast up above
fuel a faith which still grows

A heart beats with prayers
and head shakes with laughter
both still eager to care
for the ones who’ve come after

Wise eyes long have watered
fields of sorrow and joy
and have seen sons and daughters
their fruits long employ

Though the journey’s been long
and the legs may be tired
the heart still sings the song
and holds fast to the fire.

Your life it speaks freedom
to me and my kin
which allows us in seasons
our own lives to win
not by works nor by reasons
which we’ve found from within
but by God who foreverly faithful has been.